What should I do after losing everything due to false allegations and legal fees?

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  • #99385 Reply

      I did everything right.
      I lived frugally, saved exponentially, made numerous
      sacrifices, invested, had emergency savings.

      Then a vindictive accused me of a false allegation, I had to lawyer up and pay 100K in lawyer fees to protect my professional reputation.

      Now 100K later and I’ve lost my professional license.

      I’ve lost everything I’ve ever worked for.

      I spent my last dollar on a lawyer.

      Im broke.

      Im 30 years old, single, no kids.

      Now what?

      #99386 Reply

        if it was a false allegation, how did you lose your professional license?

        #99387 Reply

          It’s good that you’re single, no kids. Get back on the horse and start over.

          #99388 Reply

            You’re young
            You know how
            Take a breathe and do even better

            #99389 Reply

              What would have happened if you didn’t have the 100k to spend on a lawyer?

              #99390 Reply

                Pick yourself up! It’s not over! This can be the beginning of a great redemptive story!

                #99391 Reply

                  You rebuild So sorry this happened to you. I’ve traveled that road with two babies, it’s hard, but I know you can do it!

                  #99392 Reply

                    As long as you have your health, you can always start over poster. And plus congrats that that toxin cloud is gone.

                    You are YOUNG.

                    You have TIME on your hands.

                    You can totally live another life, a better one.

                    Don’t despair.

                    Take it as a life lesson and do better the next 10 years and beyond, a life where this toxic ex doesn’t make a dent in your life.

                    Journal about what brings you joy and do that, journal how you can protect yourself and not have this happen again, when you ll have even more money in the bank, ect.

                    #99393 Reply

                      I am so so sorry that happened to you! Your next professional steps will depend on what you lost the license for.

                      You don’t have to tell us.

                      One way to build wealth irrespective of that is real estate.

                      Consider becoming a realtor AND educating yourself about real estate investing …

                      Join the BiggerPockets community, podcasts and Facebook group.

                      You can use some of the cashflow to invest in S&P 500 index funds and rebuild.

                      You have time on your side, thankfully.

                      So sorry this happened to you.

                      It sounds very traumatic.

                      I would also seek therapy support.

                      You need to heal from this, but you definitely can rebuild.

                      Wishing you the best!

                      #99394 Reply

                        This is hard and must feel a tad hopeless! But, you are young with so much amazing life ahead!

                        You will get through this!

                        This may be too soon, but some of my fave journaling questions in hard moments…

                        What does this make possible?

                        If time or money didn’t matter, what would I love to do?

                        #99395 Reply

                          Any professional liability insurance that could (or could have) helped? Is this a “done deal”?

                          Or is there an appeals process?

                          Are you a member of any sort of professional organization that can help you out?

                          If the allegations were false, I would find a way to keep fighting.

                          #99396 Reply

                            Start over
                            You are young and can recover. Your timeline may be different than you planned.

                            I started over at 34 – single mom no child support.

                            Retired at 60. Happiness quotient increased.

                            #99397 Reply

                              Allow yourself time to grieve, then see it as an opportunity to overcome and prevail! Even if you start from a net worth of zero, you are further ahead than most.

                              You got this!

                              #99398 Reply

                                That absolutely sucks, big time. The fact that you’re young & childless gives u a head start for a restart.

                                Think twice b4 entering into another relationship.

                                What happens alot here is middle aged women getting divorced & becoming homeless.

                                You have youth on your side. It feels hard and unjust.

                                When sh*t happens, just keep moving forward.

                                All the best

                                #99399 Reply

                                  This is an expensive life lesson, but 30 is still young. It might push you to go harder, find an alternative and you will end up better/stronger.

                                  Some people never invested until their 40s and ended up FI before retirement, good luck.

                                  #99400 Reply

                                    The best revenge is success.
                                    First off, so sorry you’re dealing with this.
                                    Second, apply the learnings.

                                    How can you protect yourself better moving forward.

                                    Lastly, channel your rage into productivity to prove to that f*%cker
                                    you can not only stand back up, but stronger and better than before.

                                    Remember, diamonds are simply rocks that endured intense pressure.

                                    Ps- rage rooms are so satisfying for something like this.

                                    Groupon your way into peace.

                                    #99401 Reply

                                      Lots of other good advice here. When the pain lessens a little…..

                                      pls remember you’re only 30. So many, including my late husband, start their lives over much later.

                                      In his case, his ex-wife & then his attorneys took every cent he ever made, & he had absolutely no $$ when I met him when he was 37.

                                      But….with a decent job, & no one dragging him down & spending his $$, he was able to start saving a bunch & get his footing again.

                                      He quit smoking, started exercising a ton, (met me!), & then also eventually got his real estate license.

                                      It was a new lease on life for him.

                                      If you don’t have negative or worse, narcissistic, people in your life, & if you have your health, the world is your oyster.

                                      Best of luck to you.

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