What should I prioritize first: car insurance, car maintenance, or wedding savings?

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  • #98949 Reply

      I need some advice on my savings priorities. Here’s my situation:

      1. My car insurance expires on January 24, 2025. I’m planning to save 171.43 a month from now until December to renew it.

      2. My car has never been serviced, and I estimate it’ll cost 1,000 for maintenance.

      If I save 171.43 a month for this too, I can get it done by December.

      But that feels too long because I’ve heard that waiting too long for maintenance can end up costing more.

      3. I’m also saving for my wedding.

      I have 6,000 saved up, and the total budget is around 10,000.

      I’m saving 500 a month for it.

      Given this info, what should I prioritize first: car insurance, car maintenance, or my wedding?

      Any advice on how to best manage my savings?

      #98950 Reply

        Why 10,000 for a wedding? My husband and I did ours at a park. Had pizza later! Take that 10,000 put it on a home!

        #98951 Reply

          I’ve been married 33 years, we had a small wedding with family only and a nice reception.

          33 years later there are so many more wonderful memories then my wedding.

          In my opinion it’s not the wedding, it’s what follows that’s important.

          #98952 Reply

            Car maintenance is first. A big wedding is not a necessity.

            #98953 Reply

              Car maintenance because if you wait it’s pointless to pay insurance on a car that doesn’t run.

              #98954 Reply

                Married 35 years please down size the wedding and Invest it in a home.

                #98955 Reply

                  What kind of maintenance? I go 7,500 miles between oil changes with full synthetic oil.

                  I go 60,000 miles for radiator service and 30,000 for transmission service (CVT).

                  Look for coupons

                  #98956 Reply

                    Re budget your wedding… maybe cut back whose attending or what you’re serving?

                    Weddings I think are just over rated one night parties…

                    #98958 Reply

                      Car maintenance. Get it in now. Tires alone runs me $1000. Fluids? All of them runs me $1200.

                      #98959 Reply

                        Get a quote for a service. 1000 is a lot. But for a major service plus say new tyres / gearbox oil/ brake pads or similar it’s not unrealistic.

                        #98960 Reply

                          Well you don’t necessarily have to do all the car maintenance at one time so you can do so.e each much instead of saving to have it all done at once.

                          Prioritize what needs done first

                          #98961 Reply

                            Car Maintenance first. Insurance next. Then questions…. How much is fiancée putting in on the wedding?

                            #98962 Reply

                              Car maintenance and car insurance and an emergency fund should be your first three priorities.

                              Use any extra money to start a fund for home ownership.

                              Get married in a simple service and have a small party.

                              The wedding is a one day thing and is a highly over-rated event.

                              Car maintenance, insurance and emergency savings are far more important, as is home ownership.

                              #98963 Reply

                                My husband and I spent zero money on our wedding. We were blessed with nice church members that went together to arrange a simple but a wonderful wedding for us.

                                #98964 Reply

                                  What kind of car do you have? What town and state do you live in? My husband is a mechanic and has friends all over.

                                  $1000 sounds pretty expensive.

                                  I’d definitely get multiple estimates in writing.

                                  #98965 Reply

                                    Car maintenance. We went to the beach for a wedding with an officiant and only 3 guests.

                                    It was $300 including everything.

                                    #98966 Reply

                                      Car insurance and car maintenance should have equal priority. I know you don’t want to hear this right now, but have a small wedding and put your savings toward a house.

                                      I have NEVER heard anyone say that they were glad they spent so much money on their wedding.

                                      I have heard all kinds of couples express regret over spending too much on their wedding.

                                      #98967 Reply

                                        Take your car in for an estimate of the maintenance you’ll need. Many shops do estimates for free, or schedule it for just an oil change and ask for the estimate of x, y, and z while they are doing the oil.

                                        #98968 Reply

                                          Find a sale on maintenance oil water air tires etc. especially oil change if you don’t use a dealer.

                                          That has to be done and do as your doing insurance next and wedding

                                          #98969 Reply

                                            tip: a wedding does not need to be $10,000. It is one day in your life…

                                            we spent maybe $1500 on ours, and devoted the rest of the money we could’ve used to the house we were fixing up, which has been our home of 12 years.

                                            12 years versus 1 day…

                                            #98970 Reply

                                              I just read where a couple invited a family and friends to a restaurant for an engagement party and turned it into a wedding. Wish I had done that!

                                              And I have put off maintenance- still married, but that van went to an early grave.

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