What should the prices be for items at Goodwill, like shirts and kitchenware?

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  • #98662 Reply

      I was watching a video today about how a lady couldn’t afford goodwill.

      She was saying that the sheets were $12.99 and a record was $15.99.

      ’m starting my first ever frugal journey!

      I’m curious to know what yall think the prices for items should be at Goodwill?

      Shirts $2, kitchenware $1

      #98663 Reply

        Considering they get everything for free and make an insane amount of $$$, everything should be $2 or less

        #98664 Reply

          I would never donate to goodwill their ceo make a huge profit.

          #98665 Reply

            The prices at GW should be whatever GW wants them to be. I’d be really ignorant if I thought I knew enough about how to run a nonprofit and provide services to the community.

            I trust that GW is pricing at the amount they need to insure the community services divisions of the organization can continue to provide the services they currently do and to grow those service offering to those that need them.

            #98666 Reply

              There are much better thrift stores than Goodwill. They rank very low on the charity ranking list as to what good they do as well.

              #98667 Reply

                I volunteered at St Vincent DePaul thrift store for many years…we priced our donated items to sell not hoard! T-shirts were $1.00, shorts $2, pj’s/gowns $3, all monies received went to the Catholic Church to help those in need …

                isn’t that what a thrift store is all about???

                #98668 Reply

                  Since everything is donated I would think they could keep their prices low.

                  They do however do good work with the money they get

                  #98669 Reply

                    In my area (VA) Goodwill is gorging people with these outrageous prices for mostly used items that are donated.

                    The lady is right, $12.99 for sheets.

                    I just bought some new ones at Walmart for around $15 for a 2 piece set. Kitchen ware should be $0.50 -$1.00.

                    Shirts should be $2 and not $6.99 and up.

                    I’ve stopped going to Godwill and I no longer donate to them because of the selfishness.

                    My church has a thrift store that I now exclusively donate to.

                    #98670 Reply

                      Never go there anymore because of their outrageous prices

                      #98671 Reply

                        Goodwill has gotten a lot more expensive than in the past. More people are buying from thrift stores so they are cashing in big.

                        Many items priced far higher than its value.

                        #98672 Reply

                          I look for the colored tags that are on sale and only buy things of that color!

                          #98673 Reply

                            Glad you brought this up. I’ve stopped going to Goodwill because prices for new shirts and shoes at Walmart are usually cheaper.


                            I think the last time I was going to get something at Goodwill, I saw a pair of tennis shoes for $30. pffft

                            #98674 Reply

                              It’s no good saying what prices “should” be. Goodwill has to pay rent and wages and utilities etc.

                              all those things have increased in price so their prices have too.

                              #98675 Reply

                                It really depends on your area. For us, Goodwill is too expensive most of the time so it’s not really worth our time going.

                                We hit up yard sales and thrift stores for the best deals

                                #98676 Reply

                                  I find lots of good deals at Goodwill but it takes time and I have to look for them.

                                  If I can buy a pair of $40 jeans for $5.99 to me that’s a win.

                                  I buy most of my clothes from goodwill.

                                  There are things in my local goodwill and others I visit when out of town that I think are to pricey.

                                  For example I saw a Christmas wreath yesterday that was priced $15.

                                  It wasn’t a higher end one that would be worth $15 it was just a wreath, nothing special.

                                  Knowing name brands, quality and whether it’s an actual good deal is the key at Goodwill in my opinion.

                                  #98677 Reply

                                    Goodwill is the highest prices second hand store in Las Vegas. Last time I was in there they had a very used coffee mug priced at $4!!!

                                    We have a store called Dog Junkies that is part of a local non profit animal rescue that has way better quality and much cheaper prices.

                                    And I know the money is going right back to the animals.

                                    #98678 Reply

                                      I joined several FREECYCLE or BUY NOTHING groups in FB for my town and neighboring towns.

                                      I’ve gotten a few nice things for free.

                                      And also have given away myself

                                      #98679 Reply

                                        Stopped going to our local GW bc they only take clothing, furniture, and property.

                                        If I waste my time loading it up to bring it to you, it’s worth it.

                                        Otherwise I trash my stuff. Put a dollar sticker on it and sell it to someone who needs it.

                                        If you’re not even going to let me call your store to see what you’re accepting today, then you don’t want my donations or purchases

                                        #98680 Reply

                                          I’ve seen a lot of items at Goodwill and Salvation Army be more expensive than buying new in store or online in recent years.

                                          sadly, they really aren’t “thrifty” stores anymore.

                                          I don’t really shop there anymore.

                                          #98681 Reply

                                            I rarely shop at GW, too expensive. Good for them, but I chose to shop at Amvets, other thrift stores, even 5 Below. And I’m not paying $13 for used sheets anywhere.

                                            I’ll pay the extra $7 for a cheap set at Walmart.

                                            #98682 Reply

                                              Some thrift stores are more than others. Ironical I found better values in the more expensive neighborhoods.

                                              Lately their prices have been almost as much as regular stores.

                                              Keep an eye on the clearance rack at other stores.

                                              My mom bought me a couple pair of jeans at Walmart for $6.

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