What should you unplug to save on your electricity bill?

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  • #97535 Reply

      With rising electricity costs, many people are looking for ways to cut down on their energy consumption and save money. One effective method is to unplug devices and appliances that consume electricity even when they are not in use. We’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences on this!

      Which devices or appliances do you make sure to unplug to reduce your electricity bill? Have you noticed a significant difference in your energy costs after doing so? Do you have any tips or advice for others who are looking to save on their electricity bills?

      Share your insights and help others make informed decisions on how to save energy and reduce costs. Your contributions are greatly appreciated!

      #97536 Reply

        I learned this today.

        To run a fan it costs in between 1¢ – 5¢ an hour. To run central air it costs between .45¢ and .55¢ an hour.

        I’ve been slowly turning my air down until the fam adjusts to it being slightly warmer because my electric bill was $280 this month and we haven’t even hit the hottest month yet.

        I also started doing all my laundry in cold water and making my own laundry soap.

        My whites have never been whiter, I’m spending 75% less on store bought soap and my gas bill went way down.

        #97537 Reply

          I’m wondering if you have stuff plugged into a power strip with an on/off button, does shutting off the power strip save the same energy as unplugging individual items?

          #97538 Reply

            It’s hard on the plug to keep pulling the plug on most things. You can use a power cord with a switch to switch off instead. Europe has switch on the outlets so you can switch off the outlet.

            But I just read an article on the phantom power. Most come to $8-$20 per year.

            So you want to unplug your microwave for $8 a year. Things that produce heat are the most electric users.

            Stoves, ovens, water heater, electric heat, ac., clothes dryer Etc. you can turn the water heater temp down. You can bundle heat producing tasks to early morning or late evening. Wash clothes in cold or warm. Air dry clothes etc

            #97539 Reply

              My power company told me to unplug anything that you’re not using except for the fridge of course.

              Like we don’t watch to much tv at my house so I unplug them, coffee maker, toaster, hair dryer all those things that you don’t use them everyday unplug them.

              #97540 Reply

                We have changed out most of our appliances to more efficient appliances as they’ve been breaking; even got a tankless gas water heater and we have a swap cooler. Bill is still too high in my book.

                But it’s hard to lower bills when the power company raises rates.

                I do try to use appliances like the washer and dryer on off-peak hours.

                #97541 Reply

                  Your a/c, refrigerator, garage fridge, main appliances…. If you haven’t guessed, unplugging small items really aren’t going to save you a lot of money and are more of a pita than the $20/year in savings.

                  Better to check your large appliance ratings, as older appliances are energy hogs and replace those than unplug anything.

                  #97542 Reply

                    That’s no way to live. So if I unplug the living room lamp then I have to remember to plug it back it before dark.

                    Old houses plugs are not in convenient places like newer homes.

                    I saw a show where someone used only one light bulb.

                    Took it with her when she moved into different rooms.

                    It is not good to keep unplugging things.

                    It is not good to turn the main breaker off and on etc. if I unplug the cable box shows won’t tape

                    #97543 Reply

                      Everything you possibly can. I wouldn’t unplug a washer/ dryer, stove/ refrigerator.

                      I don’t uplug my microwave because the outlet is too hard to get to.

                      #97546 Reply

                        I unplug everything when Im not using it, except the washer and dryer, the fridge and the router.

                        If I leave the house for a night or two I will unplug the router too. I’ve saved only like $20 a month though doing this.

                        #97548 Reply

                          Small appliances that have clocks or instant on features. TVs and computers.

                          Biggest use of electricity at home is an electric dryer and electric hot water tank.

                          The pump if you are on a well that gets the water up out of the ground. Electric stove.

                          High wattage appliances . Two main ways I save are I line dry do nt use my dryer. 2nd is less use of hot water.

                          I hand wash dishes using two dish pans one to wash and one to rinse. Don’t leave water running.

                          Use a pitcher of water for drinking. Where clothes more then once and don’t launder as often and use cold water to do so.

                          Shower a couple times a week turning off water while soaping up etc it’s a quick all business shower.

                          I use barrels to collect rainwater for garden and flowers. So those are top two. Dryer and hot water use.

                          To control electric stove use then I batch cook. Dont use oven for just one thing.

                          #97549 Reply

                            Also I turn circuit breakers off in areas / rooms I don’t use or will be gone for a couple of days minus refrigeration and AC

                            #97550 Reply

                              Everything you can , next to save money is use up your pantry and restock with sale items . I buy diabetic sauce by the case on sale . Insulate or check for drafts in winter and block out sun to help keep house cool .

                              Dehumidifier can help with moisture . Breeze way so cold does my come in winter and cool stays in in summer

                              #97551 Reply

                                Ive been trying to use out air fryer for as much as possible. Its a combo air fryer/oven/rotisserie one.

                                We got it all walmart for like $125 or so. Its quite large and can do most things the oven can.

                                We also have a smaller air fryer for things like fries, chicken bites/patties etc.

                                Also my fiance loves to grill. Anything we can do to avoid the stove we try to! Now if i could save on wate

                                #97552 Reply

                                  we start a long time unplugging a lot of things due to power surges and destroying computers, printers, etc.

                                  the only thing that’s left plugged in really is the refrigerator and freezer.

                                  I was told by electrician to plug in your phone chargers when you needed.

                                  So now I have a command hook by the outlet that hangs the charger plug-in cord on it so it’s easy to be plugged in.

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