What side hustle is best for an epidemiologist skilled in data analysis?

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  • #101231 Reply

      I am looking to start a side hustle. I spent my 20s in school and didn’t really start earning until my 30s.

      Wasn’t knowledgeable about finances so didn’t start seriously saving for retirement until hitting 40.

      While I feel like I am on track to retire at normal retirement age, I want to reach FI sooner.

      I am an epidemiologist.

      I have specific set of skills (primarily secondary data analysis) that I feel can be applied to different disciplines.

      What side hustle would work you suggest for someone with my background.

      Day to day, I code in R, used to work in SAS.

      I’m looking into learning power BI.

      Any other suggestions?

      Python? Are there ways to get small jobs, I know of fiverr are there others?

      #101232 Reply

        What about promoting yourself as a fractional data analyst for small companies or startups that don’t need a full time one?

        I just left a startup where we did this and hired a guy for like 6 months or so for I think 5 or 10 hours a month of work.

        He has a few gigs like that on top of his full time job.

        #101233 Reply

          I work in the clinical (pharmaceutical) research industry. I’m not sure how similar your work is to a biostatistician?

          If similar, you might investigate the possibility of part time contract work with a contract research organization / biotech / pharma company.

          From what I’ve seen, our stats folks work primarily in SAS, programming standardized datasets for analysis, and TLFs for clinical study reports.

          Or, if your expertise leans more towards writing, you could look into the medical writing side of the industry.

          #101234 Reply

            I’m almost 40 and am doing a Masters in Biostatistics.

            I’m hoping to go digital nomad (leaving Canada after my Masters to South East Asia).

            I’m a quarter way to my LeanFI target and haven’t worked in awhile (years) as I did another round of school in my 30’s after a layoff lol (thank goodness for FU money, but I need to FI).

            Epi is in the same dept as Biostats, but I see people doing statistical consulting, epi is pretty niche.

            #101235 Reply

              Are you in academia? If so I’d consider a consultancy. Methods specialists can often be sought after for project grants.

              You could get work that way or offering 1:1 tutoring for PhD or post docs needing support.

              #101236 Reply

                I wonder if this skill set could translate into consulting for Pharma in market access?

                #101237 Reply

                  I would suggest focusing on getting promotions every couple years.

                  You could get significant pay increases and in a more reliable way than trying to earn via side hustle.

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