What sources of income do you plan to leverage during early retirement?

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  • #110371 Reply

      As you prepare for early retirement, financial security and stability are key considerations. What strategies do you plan to use or are already using to generate income during this phase of life?

      Are you relying on investments, savings, rental properties, part-time work, pensions, or other streams?

      We would love to hear your plans and insights! Please share what has influenced your choices, and any tips you might have for others who are also planning their early retirement journey.

      #110372 Reply

        Military retirement. 100k a year isn’t too bad.

        #110373 Reply

          Hope to rent out my place in the US and live/travel abroad funded mostly through this rental income.

          #110374 Reply

            Taxable brokerage + my novels (20k – 80k per year, highly variable, but they always make money for a decade+)

            #110375 Reply

              Brokerage until age 59 1/2
              Tsp (no early penalty)
              Rental property income

              401k for wife
              Wife pension
              Soc sec x 2

              #110376 Reply

                Rental income on 2 properties
                Drawdown on investment accounts
                Social security

                Maybe some barista fire income if I start getting itchy bored!

                #110377 Reply

                  Rental income and / or rental sales. Gotta get rid of the assets to eventually “die with zero”.

                  #110378 Reply

                    Taxable brokerage, rent and husbands income since he plans to “work forever”

                    #110379 Reply

                      A brokerage account, the sale of a business, and a pension that we will likely cash out.

                      #110380 Reply

                        Military retirement, VA, federal civilian retirement, SS, traditional IRA, Roth IRA, TSP (might transfer to IRAs).

                        #110381 Reply

                          Taxable brokerage and rentals. Maybe PT work if I’m bored.

                          #110382 Reply

                            Next month marks 1.5 years of being retired for me. So far my military pension/VA passive income is almost 2x my expenses with me splurging.

                            But I also have a healthy investment portfolio that I still contribute to and keeps growing. I have yet to have to touch the investment portfolio.

                            Currently with investments I can spend about $110K-$115K a year. This goes up as my pension & VA both are inflation-adjusted.

                            Eventually, when I figure out where I want to plant roots I know Ill want to increase my spending.

                            #110383 Reply

                              Retired ten years ago:
                              Deferred comp

                              Wish I had tapped 401K more rather than the brokerage as those RMDs are gonna kill me.

                              #110384 Reply

                                401k withdrawal
                                Roth IRA withdrawal
                                Real estate
                                Social security

                                #110385 Reply

                                  Returns from my construction company if I can get it to mostly run itself (4 years left of 5 year plan). Also, single-family rental income.

                                  I enjoy my work so I won’t fully retire for a while, but plan to make work optional in about 4 years.

                                  #110386 Reply

                                    Funds from the sale of primary residence, pension, and 401(k) withdrawals for the dozen or so years before social security.

                                    #110387 Reply

                                      My husband’s salary, as I will be the only one early retired. Plus taxable brokerage account.

                                      Maybe even a part time job, but one that I choose and adore, with minimal hours.

                                      #110388 Reply

                                        Military pension and Roth IRA contributions if needed. Then brokerage as a bridge if needed prior to 59.5.

                                        #110389 Reply

                                          Taxable brokerage, syndication distributions, commercial property rent (or sale if we decide to travel more or move from the area).

                                          #110390 Reply

                                            Sell stocks in my taxable brokerage account, then Roth contributions. Once those are depleted my Roth conversions should have reached the 5 year mark, so I’d pull those out.

                                            If I’m tapped out of all that before 59.5, id do SEPP / 72t

                                            Most of the time people ask this
                                            question it’s because they think the money is inaccessible in an IRA or 401k until retirement.

                                            Just contribute to your damn retirement accounts, they are NOT locked up until 59.5

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