What to do when you have lots of onions?

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  • #84302 Reply

      I have been gifted many bags of onions and I have no idea what to do with them besides French onion soup. Any ideas?

      #84303 Reply

        Onion rings. Bloomin onion. Dehydrate.

        #84304 Reply

          I wonder if you could slice and/or dice a bunch and freeze them. Could save time in the future.

          #84305 Reply

            If you can get your hands on a dehydrater, I bet they would be good to save. I love onions in anything.

            Useful: I have one leftover grilled chicken breast. What can I make to stretch that for a dinner for 5?

            #84306 Reply

              I came across a recipe for slow cooker brats on the internet that had 4 brats with 2 onions in it. Also, you can definitely dice them and freeze them for future use.

              #84307 Reply

                You can dive and freeze for future use. Then just take them from the freezer to the pan.

                #84308 Reply

                  Peel and put skins in a bag and freeze. Later make broth.
                  Dice and freeze on a sheet pan. Once frozen place in a bag/s. Use later for cooking.

                  #84309 Reply

                    you can freeze them. onion dip, baked onions, onion pie, onion casserole, onion rings, try a bloomin onion in an air fryer-yummy.

                    #84310 Reply

                      Dice and freeze I put onions in almost everything savory. Frozen onions are fantastic in soups, casseroles, and stir fry.

                      #84311 Reply

                        I’ve been researching recipes for Caramelized Onion Jam. I love it but it’s very expensive in the stores.

                        #84312 Reply

                          Dice and freeze… get some bell peppers and dice and freeze with bell peppers. Caramelize them on top of burgers, chicken… veggie soup, onion rings, onion jam.

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