What was the key moment that improved your FIRE journey or path?

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  • #107041 Reply

      What’s been the biggest moment that changed your fire journey or trajectory for the better?

      Could be mindset shift, career change, way to improve or keep income while reducing living expenses, or other economic arbitrage that improved your path or journey.

      Thanks in advance for any wisdom!

      #107042 Reply

        When both my parents died by the time I was 24. I decided life was too short to work for someone else my entire adult life. I went hard in the paint from that moment forward.

        Set a goal to retire by 45 and hit it at 44. Back then they didn’t have the term fire and Dave Ramsey wasn’t a thing. It’s a great question.

        You have to have a “why” to keep you going when it gets tough.

        #107043 Reply

          A lot of my early (poor) investments really provided invaluable lessons.

          Overall though, I would say just realizing that every dollar I was spending on superfluous things could be multiple dollars in the future.

          #107044 Reply

            Being told about Dave Ramsey’s book Total Money Makeover by a co-worker (in corrections) who had retired at 55 and had to return to work.

            She told me that if she had started the baby step when she was my age (I was 33 at the time) she wouldn’t have to come back to work.

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