What would you have done differently with your business partner at the start?

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  • #106534 Reply

      If you co-own a business, knowing what you know now, what would you have done differently at the start with your business partner?

      “Looking back, what would you have done differently with your business partner when starting your business?

      Whether it’s about communication, setting expectations, division of roles, or handling conflicts, we’d love to hear your insights.

      Share your experiences and what you’ve learned that could help others embarking on a partnership. Would a different approach have made a significant impact on your success or challenges? Let us know!”

      #106535 Reply

        It’s very rare to have a good business partnership.
        Alex Hormozi has a podcast, The Game, I regularly listen to. He recently had a conversation about the topic in Episode 758.

        It’s too much for a Fb post but worth listening to if you are contemplating a partnership.

        #106536 Reply

          The ones that have worked out best are the people I have built relationships with first.

          But some people aren’t who you think.

          So, always have a break up plan incase it doesn’t work out.

          Have an attorney that works for you make the contract.

          #106537 Reply

            Have a buy out clause or agreement predetermined.

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