What’s a good low-fee option to open a Donor Advised Fund?

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  • #102931 Reply

      Does anyone know of a good, low fee option to open a Donor Advised Fund?

      Everything I’ve seen so far charges an annual fee plus an AUM fee usually .6% and up.

      I’m considering opening a Donor Advised Fund (DAF) and am looking for options with low fees.

      I’d appreciate suggestions on reliable platforms or organizations that offer DAFs with minimal costs while still providing good flexibility and management features.

      If you’ve had personal experience with a particular provider, I’d love to hear about it—especially in terms of fees, ease of use, and customer service.

      I’m also curious about any potential drawbacks you’ve encountered with lower-fee options.

      Your insights will help me make an informed decision, so thank you in advance for sharing your experiences!

      #102932 Reply

        I started using Daffy this year and have had a great experience so far.

        #102933 Reply

          I’ve been happy with Daffy so far! I’ve used it for about a year and a half.

          #102934 Reply

            Actually the account maintenance fees tend to be based on AUM, plus the investment funds have their own expense ratios.

            DAFFY charges a maintenance fee based on how much you are allowed to contribute to your fund each year.

            It’s kind of a weird pricing scheme since you could accumulate a very large balance even with the $3/month membership fee.

            #102935 Reply

              Check out daffy appears to be some of the lowest fees around. No aum fee whatsoever, they charge a monthly fee instead.

              Starts at $0 for a tiny account up to $20 for the highest tier.

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