What’s the best path to FIRE for a late-30s high school grad?

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  • #105920 Reply

      What’s the best path to FIRE besides regular job ? I’m in my late 30s with a high school diploma, seeking inspiration, guidance, or success stories.

      I have one child and desire a better life beyond traditional employment. I’m interested in starting a business but need direction.

      #105921 Reply

        I would suggest rental real estate. Not immediate, but steady way to FIRE with cash flow to supplement 401k funds.

        #105922 Reply

          You’re asking the best way to FIRE besides entrepreneurship, but then you’re asking how to start a business?

          #105923 Reply

            I will always recommend house hacking. Buy a duplex live in half for a year then move. Even if you just do it once it will set you up for a great future

            #105924 Reply

              The best way to is to save and invest – period. You have to get your money working for you so you don’t have to work.

              #105925 Reply

                Have you thought about adding side hustles for added income streams? So many choices these days. I book travel for commissions.

                #105926 Reply

                  Elevator repair. High risk jobs in the oceans. Oil field work.
                  Literally any government job with a pension. Think small cities or counties.

                  May pay low but even a small pension is worth millions if you follow the 4% rule.

                  #105927 Reply

                    Higher income from employment is probably easier and less risk. Or taking on an extra job

                    #105928 Reply

                      What is it you’re looking for? Rags to riches stories? Practical advice?
                      The best path is the one that get’s you where you want to go. Where do you want to go?

                      A lot of people FIRE through traditional employment—earning, saving and investing.

                      Having a stable job lets you budget and plan for the future. If it’s not enough income to reach your goals, add side gigs.

                      Do you currently have money saved for the future?

                      Did you own a home? Money saved for you to go to college? Or to fund your child’s college?

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