What’s the best way to find properties to rent out in Texas?

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  • #100668 Reply

      What’s the best way to find properties to rent out . I’m not looking to live in them for a a year or 2 and then rent it out. I’m 43 in Texas.

      I’m planning to invest in rental properties in Texas and would like some advice on the best ways to find suitable properties.

      What are the most effective strategies or tools for locating rental properties in Texas?

      Are there specific websites, real estate agents, or local resources that are particularly helpful?

      Additionally, what factors should I consider when evaluating these properties to ensure they will be good investments?

      Any tips on market research, property inspections, and understanding rental demand in different areas would also be greatly appreciated.

      Thank you!

      #100669 Reply

        If you’re looking for passive, you may be happier with a REIT.
        I’m a real estate investor for 20+ years.

        It’s definitely not passive!

        That said, my returns on real estate are lower than my returns on stocks.

        I keep my real estate for diversification, though.

        #100670 Reply

          It depends on your buying strategy. If you have cash or a line of credit to fund the entire purchase price.

          Look for unkempt properties in mid level school districts.

          Use a service like prop stream to get the owners contact info, make offers.

          If that’s to much work get on wholesalers list or look for problem properties on MLS and just keep making offers at the number that works for you.

          You only need one person to say yes, to get started

          #100671 Reply

            Read the books about investing in rentals by Brandon something from bigger pockets

            #100672 Reply

              I have a rental for sale in Holliday, Texas. 104 S Walnut Street. It’s a strong rental demand area, but we are selling everything and moving out of state.

              My loss, your gain!

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