What’s the best way to remove sticky residue from labels on baby food jars?

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  • #98625 Reply

      Best way to get sticky reside from label off of baby food jars?

      I’ve tried soaking them in hot water and using dish soap, but the sticky part is still there.

      Any effective methods or products that have worked for you?

      Looking forward to your tips and recommendations!

      #98626 Reply

        Oil. Olive oil, baby oil. Goo Gone.

        #98627 Reply
        Ann Jaeger

          I’ve had decent results soaking glass jars in hot water, then letting hand sanitizer sit on the residue for a few minutes and then scrubbing with a scouring pad.

          #98628 Reply

            Soak them in hot water, soap and and a little vinegar. Then use something with a corset scrubby side

            #98629 Reply

              Hot soapy water and let them sit. The labels comes off then just wash them.

              #98630 Reply

                Alcohol or vinegar or fingernail polish remover

                #98631 Reply

                  Water and baking soda, Dawn dish soap, and scrub pad.

                  #98632 Reply

                    Spray Pledge or similar dusting spray on it and let it sit for 30 minutes.

                    Then just wipe it off with a paper towel.

                    #98633 Reply

                      Soak in hot soapy water overnight and then scrub with the rough side of a sponge

                      #98634 Reply

                        Oil (any kind) and baking soda has been the most successful for me. Soak in hot water and remove as much paper as you can.

                        If residue remains, mix oil/baking soda into a paste, slather it onto residue, let it sit for like 10 mins, then scrub off with a rag.

                        I’ve barely had to scrub at all, it just slides off.

                        Only type this didn’t work for me for some reason is Smuckers jam jars.

                        Don’t know why, they must use cement to keep those labels on

                        #98635 Reply

                          Soak in hot water until the water cools, peel off as much of the label as you can, sprinkle the label area with baking soda then take a plastic scrubber with coconut oil on and scrub away then wash with soap and water.

                          I have never had an issue getting the residual of the label off.

                          #98636 Reply

                            I spray labels with Bleach, put in old ziplock and cover jar I’m hot water, laying jar sideways.

                            Leave laying down in bag. When I go back hrs later, it all comes clean off.

                            No glue.

                            #98637 Reply

                              Windex. Just spray it and leave it for a few minutes. Peels right up

                              #98638 Reply

                                Found a video on you tube dish soap (I used dawn platinum) and vinegar she boiled them I just soaked them over night sparkly clean over night removed everything

                                #98639 Reply

                                  Soak it in hot soapy water and then scrape it off with your nail or other thin, hard object

                                  #98640 Reply

                                    There is a pad you can buy that comes in packets that remove labels instantly.

                                    If really works

                                    #98641 Reply

                                      Try putting the jar in the freezer overnight. It works with plastic pill bottles, it might work with jars

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