When can my husband retire if we spend $70k/year and have $250k income?

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  • #100504 Reply

      What would be my and my husband’s FI number if right now we spend about 70k annually, that includes daycare of $1200.

      Daycare will be done in two years, house will be paid off in 14 years.

      Husband is ten years older he’s about 50 and I 40, making approximately 250k together.

      In ten years, our oldest will be in college when my husband is thinking about retiring from his 200k job.

      I know college is really expensive, I’m just curious when it’s doable for him to retire since we have another kid who is five years younger.

      #100505 Reply

        A general target would be:
        Annual expenses in retirement x 25

        #100506 Reply

          College does not need to be expensive. I’m a college admissions advisor and there’s a number of fantastic options that can be under $20K a year, all in, including tuition, fees, room, and board (in today’s dollars)— are there far more expensive options?

          Of course.

          #100507 Reply

            You need to have a paid off house and or college paid for for the kids first.

            Start socking money into those 529s.

            For every million in brokerage / retirement you can pull about 40k a year safely.

            So, you probably need about 2.5 million saved pre tax for your 70k lifestyle

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