Where can I find free wood and take scraps from construction sites?

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  • #100542 Reply

      What are some resources for free wood? Do contractors who are building homes mind if we take scraps from what looks like a scrap pile?

      Where can you get pallet wood?

      I’m looking for places where I can find free wood or take scrap materials from construction sites.

      Are there any specific locations, tips, or methods that have worked for you?

      How do you approach construction sites to ask for leftover wood?

      Are there any particular times or types of sites that are more likely to have usable scraps?

      Additionally, what are the best practices or etiquette when collecting these materials to ensure safety and maintain good relationships with site managers?

      Any advice or personal experiences would be greatly appreciated!

      #100543 Reply

        Please do not burn pallets. (or any other pressure treated lumber). It contains preservatives like arsenic, and other heavy metals.

        #100544 Reply

          Contractors throw away Soo much good scraps. Just go and ask them

          #100545 Reply

            What are you needing the wood for?
            I have a lot of scrap wood if its for hobby stuff.

            #100546 Reply

              Farmer might let you cut already down trees or tree tops if you pile up the brush.

              #100547 Reply

                Lumber yards, businesses, etc usually have a place where they pile up free pallets, etc… just look…and when in doubt, ask.

                #100548 Reply

                  Look at flooring and tile stores…they get inventory on pallets and usually give away stacks of pallets

                  #100549 Reply

                    We have a side business using old fence boards that a local fencing company put out in a free pile.

                    Win for them and those of us who benefit from this.

                    #100550 Reply

                      Ask. Don’t just take wood from a job site. What may look like scrap may have a purpose.

                      Sometimes stores give away pallets.

                      They receive shipments and then are often stuck with pallets.

                      A little less likely with chains because they can easily send them back to the central distributor and they’re reused.

                      #100551 Reply

                        If you want wood for heat, do not use construction scraps. Most of it is soft wood such as pine.

                        The wood does not burn hot enough and creasote will build up increasing the potential for a fire.

                        #100552 Reply

                          If you want wood for heat, do not use construction scraps. Most of it is soft wood such as pine.

                          The wood does not burn hot enough and creasote will build up increasing the potential for a fire.

                          We burn and have used free wood for years.

                          First thing is to let everyone you know that you want wood.

                          Get a good chain saw and be prepared to cut up anything that comes down.

                          People will let you know when a tree comes down.

                          Second watch for towns and power companies when they are clearing and trimming trees.

                          My husband carries a chainsaw in his truck and stops and cuts anything on public land.

                          We have not paid for wood in over 18 years at 2k savings a year for heat we have saved over 36k over the years.

                          #100553 Reply

                            I saw construction area. They had trash containers full of good wood. They don’t want or need it.

                            They said I could take all I wanted.

                            They were going to take it to the dump.

                            I was from out of town and didn’t have my truck.

                            #100554 Reply

                              I helped people clean up their wood lines or down trees. I’m not very skilled but I got paid with the wood.

                              You can also go to the local landfills and they usually have a wood pile.

                              Road crews doing work often have a tree pile somewhere

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