Where can I get a nice laundry basket for cheap?

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  • #101670 Reply

      I’m looking for a laundry basket that’s both functional and aesthetically pleasing, but I don’t want to spend too much.

      I am making a gift basket for a bridal shower.

      Does anyone have recommendations for where I can find a nice laundry basket that’s budget-friendly?

      Whether it’s a specific store, an online shop, or even a creative DIY option, I’d love to hear your suggestions!

      Any advice on where to get a good deal without sacrificing style or quality would be greatly appreciated.

      Thanks in advance for your help!

      #101671 Reply

        What determines “nice” by way of a laundry basket? I’ve seen some at Dollar Tree in the past, and then have purchase some at Walmart and Target for like $10-$20.

        #101672 Reply

          I would check thrift stores for a wicker laundry basket. Those things last forever!

          #101673 Reply

            Honestly, spring for a good one! I was given a loaded Rubbermaid Hip Hugger basket for my high school graduation in 2001…

            and it is still my best basket!

            I’ve run multiple Sterlite baskets into the ground but that Rubbermaid will probably go the old folks’ home with me!

            #101674 Reply

              Don’t get a cheap one, then, get one that will last a few decades!

              #101675 Reply

                We have two baskets that have wheels and handles like a rolling suitcase…

                so much easier than carrying a basket …

                I ordered them on amazon or ebay for $11 each ….

                I’ve had them for a few years

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