Where did you learn FIRE? Seeking a course/person for simple guidance

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  • #100777 Reply

      Where did you learn about the FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) movement?

      I’m looking for a course or person who can walk me through the Simplest setups possible and just tell me what to do

      I’m seeking recommendations for a course, book, or a knowledgeable person that can provide simple and straightforward guidance.

      Whether you found value in an online course, a specific author, or a financial mentor, I’d love to hear your experiences and suggestions.

      I’m particularly interested in resources that are beginner-friendly and offer practical, actionable steps to help get started on the path to financial independence.

      Your insights and advice would be greatly appreciated!

      #100778 Reply

        Spend less than you make, repeat, scale up as you go. You’re welcome.
        You won’t go far if you don’t learn to educate yourself instead of asking to be educated.

        Look up books on the topic and read at least three.

        Eric’s suggestions below are spot on.

        You have to put the work into in, no way around it.

        #100779 Reply

          Try simple path to wealth ( heard was good) or psychology of money ( I’ve read , great) as an education.

          I was introduced to indirectly because my parents lived through the great depression and wwii.

          I’m also 1 of 12 kids.

          Basically just being thrifty/frugal and sensible as to spending money.

          Not trying to to impress anyone! After that you decide.

          #100780 Reply

            Check out the infographic PDFs on the ChooseFI website, I think there are two and it breaks down the concepts in a concise way.

            #100781 Reply

              Read books like the intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham.

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