Where is the best place in the Northeastern US to live?

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  • #80590 Reply

      My fiancé’s parents are near Boston and my parents are in the Hudson Valley in NY. We don’t know where we want to be long term, but my parents are more likely to move to be closer to us when they need help because of aging.

      Good school system is a must.

      #80591 Reply

        NH always gets ranked very high for the quality of the education. We are in Southern NH, 1 hour to Boston, the beach or the mountains. As an added bonus we have no income or sales tax but they get you on the property taxes.

        #80592 Reply

          “Best” according to which criteria? I’m assuming you mean cost of living. Maine or Pennsylvania.

          #80593 Reply

            Pioneer Valley in Western MA. Grew up here, can’t believe I’m still here but it’s a great place to live and raise kids. You can be in Boston under two hours, NYC in about 3 hours.

            #80594 Reply

              Massachusetts has a lot of good programs because they’re not afraid to tax for it. New Hampshire’s good for no tax, but picking the right town/city is going to be more important because not as much support/funding comes down from the state.

              #80595 Reply

                Western Massachusetts/Berkshires are just beautiful and affordable areas with great quality of life.

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