Where should I invest $7500 in my Roth IRA to benefit from the current market dip?

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  • #99894 Reply

      I have $7500 I need to get invested in the stock market, which is now in money market account in roth IRA.

      Where would you guys put it right now to take advantage of the current dip in the market?

      I’m considering taking advantage of the current market dip by investing $7,500 in my Roth IRA.

      Given the present economic conditions and market trends, where would you recommend allocating these funds for optimal growth?

      I’m looking for a mix of stability and potential high returns.

      Any specific stocks, ETFs, or sectors you suggest? Your insights and reasoning would be greatly appreciated!

      #99895 Reply

        That would be fine. Typically, you just invest it whenever it becomes available.

        Because market-timing doesn’t work.

        #99896 Reply

          Why do you need to get it invested in the stock market now?

          #99897 Reply

            been at this a long time.
            And i’m not that smart.
            That wasn’t even a dip.

            Simply invest every month and you will win every time.

            Learn everything you can about etf’s and low cost mutual funds.

            #99898 Reply

              Dip? LoL. It’s where it was a couple months ago which was at the time an all time high.

              #99899 Reply

                You should absolutely buy TSLA now … great future – just kidding. If you are worried about investing all at once in the typical index fund, add in a little every couple of weeks.

                Or buy a CD – you should easily get 5% APY ones out there for 3 months or so while you wait for market to stabilize.

                There is really no single way to invest.

                Stock market overall provides better returns over the long term

                #99900 Reply

                  I invest 4-5k a month into mutual funds (diversified funds). Stay consistent and let time and compounding work in your favor.

                  Keep some cash in regular savings so when market has a downturn, you pull from savings funds and don’t touch the golden goose egg.

                  Many people will understand eventually, you don’t need 1 million in a portfolio to retire, shoot you don’t even need 500k.

                  It’s all about eliminating debt

                  We will have a golden goose of about 400k and we will be just fine

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