Where should I open a brokerage account and what should I invest in?

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  • #105319 Reply

      Probably a simple question, but if I wanted to open my first brokerage account to hopefully help supplement an early retirement gap, where should that be located, and what should I invest in?

      I already max my retirement accounts.

      Thank you!

      #105320 Reply

        Fidelity, Vanguard or Schwab. Just buy a S&P500 or Total Market Index Fund. Buy it, forget you have it.

        It will go up, down and sideways over the years but you will be wearing a smile in the end.

        #105321 Reply

          Do you bank with one of the big National banks like Chase or Bank of America or a bank that has brokerage options?

          It’s easier to open up an account where you bank so that things can integrate smoother when you retire for bill pay, movement of funds etc.

          All big banks have brokerage divisions and their self guided options cost 0 dollars and if you have status with them all your trades will be free.

          ETF’s are better in taxable accounts than Mutual funds as there are fewer taxable events.

          In terms of what you can invest in, you could keep it simple and low cost with VOO or VTI.

          #105322 Reply

            I love fidelity and their fxaix s&p 500 fund. Also spyg but not both, they overlap

            #105323 Reply

              Pick a brokerage, they’re pretty much all the same. What are you trying to accomplish helps determine what to invest in.

              (But if you’re going to invest in funds it probably helps to pick the brokerage that runs the funds.)

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