Which app is best for categorizing spending across multiple credit cards?

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  • #97293 Reply

      Looking for an app that categorizes our spending for us across like the 7 credit cards we have. It truly seems like more money has been outgoing than incoming. I normally don’t stress about finances, but I’m totally anxiety riddled lately. Business is suffering & I can feel it. Please recommend the most user friendly apps for couples.

      #97294 Reply

        Monarch has been great for that awareness of exactly where the money is going. I love setting up rules so it automatically categorizes things the way you want. Takes a little time to set up but then it’s great!

        #97295 Reply

          I’m a big fan of YNAB for total money awareness.

          Ultimately with any tool, you are the master of your own data and need to make the final call on what category the specific spend in from.

          #97296 Reply

            Qube Money. It is the easiest, foolproof way for couples to stay aligned and stop stressing about budgets. Essentially digital envelopes tied to a card. We tried YNAB and Qube was just way easier. No more month-end reconciliation as it is all done in real time.

            Highly recommend.

            Proposed: Is there an app or website to check out each wattage of items In my house that’s drawing a lot of power?

            #97297 Reply

              For couples, I’m loving Monarch! I switched from Mint after trying a couple of different options.

              #97298 Reply

                Jumped on the YNAB train in January and I’m loving it. There’s definitely a learning curve but it’s really increased my spending awareness.

                #97299 Reply

                  Obsessed with Copilot. So, user friendly – my husband & I both have it loaded on our phone & it syncs up with all of your accounts.

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