Why are eggs so expensive at most stores?

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  • #104534 Reply

      Aldi’s eggs are up to $3.59 @ dozen. TARGET is selling a dozen eggs for $2.59!

      I’m getting my eggs at Target!

      Walmart is selling a dozen eggs for $4.48!!! Wegmans $5.29@dozen.

      What bird flu???

      it’s called robbery…

      “Why have egg prices risen so significantly at most stores? Eggs, once a staple and affordable item, are now becoming increasingly expensive.

      What are the key factors contributing to this price hike?

      Are there specific economic, environmental, or supply chain issues driving this change?

      Additionally, how is this affecting consumers and their purchasing decisions?

      We’re curious to hear your insights and experiences on this topic.”

      #104535 Reply

        Not sure which state you reside in, but our Aldi was 1.87. Walmart $8. Just for a dozen.

        Price gouging at its finest.

        #104536 Reply

          Probably bought at different times and at different areas. Just get what you want.

          Anyone complaining about a dollar difference in eggs had better not be drinking alcohol or smoke cigarettes.

          #104537 Reply

            The price of chicken feed is outrageous.

            They have to buy food, water, antibiotics, bedding, heat / cooling, hired help, egg cartons, gas to haul to the stores, upkeep on all equipment, it’s not just going into the store and getting a dozen eggs or anything else you get at the stores.

            A lot goes into getting the food to the stores.

            So, you see a dz eggs are cheaper at another store.

            What does it cost you in gas and wear and tare on your vehicle?

            Are you really saving anything? Probably not.

            #104538 Reply

              They’re just jacking up the prices so they can drop them right before the election and tell you that they made the economy better because the price of groceries are down 50% even though they’ve raised them 80%.

              #104539 Reply

                Got mine from farm market. Free range brown extra large $3.00 a dozen.

                #104540 Reply

                  We get them from local families with backyard chickens. $3 a dozen and they are free range and support local families.

                  #104541 Reply

                    By from local farmer. You know where they came from and are fresher. Support the farmer instead of corporate stores.

                    #104542 Reply

                      I get my eggs at Costco…. $4.99 for 2 dozen and they are always fresh.

                      #104543 Reply

                        Buy local farmers have better eggs and better prices ours were 14 something for 30at store I got 30 for 10 from farmer noticed store had went down to 13 something but still farmer had better price

                        #104544 Reply

                          I just payed $2.37 at Aldi. I really don’t have time to go to several stores for groceries.

                          #104545 Reply

                            I have a Whole Foods a mile from me, Target, Shoprite 10 minutes down the road.

                            Walmart is 30 minutes away.

                            I don’t bother going to Walmart anymore because so many things are the same or more expensive than the other stores.

                            Whole Foods has been my go to for eggs for months.

                            #104546 Reply

                              Eggs seem pretty cheap at the grocery stores here. I pay $4.50/dozen for free range chicken eggs at the farmers market (or get them free from my daughter’s chickens.)

                              #104547 Reply

                                We have our flock and when they’re running low we buy from the Amish. $2-$3 a dozen.

                                #104548 Reply

                                  Are you anywhere close to a farmer? I’ve never paid more than $3 for a dozen of the freshest eggs available.

                                  They’re also very pretty…blue and green.

                                  #104549 Reply

                                    Stores get price changes from their suppliers all the time. And the prices can fluctuate a great deal.

                                    So quit blaming stores- they have to make some profit on eggs.

                                    And for most stores eggs don’t make much profit.

                                    #104550 Reply

                                      Are those pastured raised? I pay more for pastured raised. That’s not the same as cage free, cage free just means they are still kept indoors, just not in a cage!

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