Why do expenses always seem to rise as soon as I start earning more?

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  • #101725 Reply

      I swear my expenses rise to meet my income. I’m finally getting the hours I need to get out of the hole I have been in for about a year now, 50-60 hours a week.

      Both my cars need expensive work (one I bought new 10 years ago and the other I bought last year because I really need four wheel drive at my location).

      The one I am paying on needs the most work and is sitting in my garage until I can afford the parts.

      The older one is my daily driver and i am just putting in stopgaps until I can afford to get the other one back on the road.

      (I have someone who is an excellent mechanic )
      So I got home today and my water heater is leaking from the base.

      It’s at least 20 years old so it’s expected but I’m so frustrated right now.

      #101726 Reply

        When it rains, it pours. Everything always happens at once. Hang in there, things will get better.

        If you don’t owe too much on the car that is not running, get rid of it.

        Buy a small cheap car like a Corolla or a Sentra.

        They are cheap and reliable.

        But at least it will run. It will save you a fortune.

        #101727 Reply

          Do one at a time.hot water heater first then , car . Go to your bank or credit union ask for a personal loan they give up to 5 Thousand.

          Best of luck we all have these days

          #101728 Reply

            These days are so frustrating and feel never ending. They do end though, and then you can breathe.

            #101729 Reply

              I think it happens to everyone. It’s just how well you can afford all the day to day stuff that gets thrown your way.

              For some people $500 will break them, for others $5000, for a few $50k

              We are in the $5k will break us category – we’d have to use credit.

              #101730 Reply

                It’s so hard, I try to remember my sweet frugal granny’s words when I was fussing about paying for my water heater.

                She said “ be thankful you had the money “ I had other plans for that money lol but she was right.

                She managed to raise 7 kids on a shoestring.

                #101731 Reply

                  I notice that also and it helps me to think that if I didn’t have the extra income, I’d be further o

                  In debt.

                  So, it can help to change the way I look at it to: it’s the Universe looking out for me (although I’d prefer the extra money

                  #101732 Reply

                    Always seems to go that way, and things seem to happen in “3”‘s for us. Good Luck! You are definitely not alone…

                    especially with what everything costs nowadays.

                    #101733 Reply

                      this happens to me too. I barely get an extra couple of hundred dollars and something goes out and the money is gone.

                      I now look at it as thankfully I have the money to pay even though I can’t have extra !!!

                      You’re doing good, keep on, you’ll get ahead

                      #101734 Reply

                        I remember having my dryer, stove, washer and vacuum all quit within one week.

                        My mom was in Florida for the winter and I called her to ask if I could borrow her vacuum til she returned.

                        She said, “Don’t tell me that quit too!”

                        I said “Yes.

                        There are only 2 more things left that haven’t quit and I’m not telling you what they are because I know the minute I say it, they will break too.” (My fridge and my car).

                        We have all been there.

                        I was a single parent for 23 years and couldn’t afford to be anything but frugal just to keep a roof over my head.

                        Trust me, keep plugging away at frugal living and saving.

                        Debt is no fun!

                        #101735 Reply

                          This past year has been a money eater so far. February my water heater went, than the furnace needed work on, my husband car needed a new battery and a few months after that a brake job.

                          It just never stops.

                          #101736 Reply

                            Don’t beat yourself over it; cars, house repairs, healthcare and other unexpected expenses are always a challenge for most people.

                            I am dealing with something similar.

                            Just deal with the most important one on your list.

                            #101737 Reply

                              I know that feeling well. What hadnt already gone up, is now going up, except for hourly pay rate.

                              #101738 Reply

                                Post on fb locally to see if people fix cars on the side for cheap, or trade someone who does for something you either have or make.

                                Look at free site for free working water heaters.

                                People get grants to upgrade their water heaters & toss the older ones even though they work just fine, see if you might be able to get your hands on one.

                                #101739 Reply

                                  Yes, I notice that happens. It’s like the universe knows when you have extra money and then just ups your expenses to match it.

                                  Perhaps the way to outsmart that is to allocate that extra income right away – like into your emergency fund or increase your car repair fund or something like that.

                                  Proactively socking that extra income away perhaps will satisfy the in-out equalizer out there!!

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