Why does my financial advisor keep pushing me to invest money I need for expenses into the stock market?

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  • #101424 Reply

      I have a sum of money in a money market account earning 5.25% through Ed Jones.

      I will need this money for things like a roof, house repairs, payment on a house if I move etc.

      It’s also where my distributions come from.

      My e jones guy is always trying to get me to put a portion of it in the stock market.

      I already have another bucket of $ in the stock market with him.

      So I tell him again and again I will need this money & don’t need to lose it in the market.

      He says I’m missing out on returns.

      Heck if he doesn’t stop I’ll just take a chunk out & put it somewhere else in a money market or right into my bank account so he won’t have it to worry about anymore.

      Why do y’all think he does this – so he can make Ed Jones more money?

      #101425 Reply

        He is getting commission. Move your money. Betterment for example, has cash reserve account paying 5% and you can move in and out of your money whenever you wish.

        Betterment also has robo advised brokerage.

        #101426 Reply

          Edward Jones is as bad as payday lenders! Read a few books on the subject and you will make a lot more money on your money.

          There is a reason why Las Vegas looks the way it does and there is a reason why there is an Edward Jones on every street corner.

          #101427 Reply

            Some Financial’s do not pay for funds in a money market. He is most likely just trying to have it invested somewhere that he makes a buck

            #101428 Reply

              It may appear too conservative to have that much as cash for your total portfolio— or else he’s just not listening to your needs/goals for those dollars.

              Although I’d also argue, that even if you need it for a new roof, invested still makes you more money, and you can still get to your money within 3-4 days.

              #101429 Reply

                Ur already getting ripped off being woth EJ. short term savings and emergency fund should live in any Hysa or mmf.

                All other available dollars should be invested

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