Why does produce spoil quickly despite proper storage? Solutions?

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  • #104105 Reply

      No matter where I buy produce (Aldi, Stop and Shop, BigY), it spoils in a few days.

      This includes things like root vegetable that should have longer life.

      I bought a 2 lb bag of carrots last Sat and by Monday there was mold on them.

      I’ve bought bags of onions, and had to throw out half because of mold or because they were rotten.

      I haven’t been storing them differently.

      Are others having this problem?

      What to do?

      #104106 Reply

        Check the temperature in your fridge. This should not happen. If the temperature is right carrots should last a LONG time.

        #104107 Reply

          Not sure where you are, but humidity will affect produce.

          #104108 Reply

            Line the vegetable crisper with paper towel, wrap all vegetables in paper towel,lettuce in a tea towel vegetables will keep a lot longer.

            #104109 Reply

              It’s been so hot lately that I no longer bring my groceries home in my trunk they go in the front seat where the AC blows on them.

              And I also think that perhaps the stores themselves might not unload the trucks as quickly as they should and sometimes things get warmer than they should.

              So, their shelf life is less by the time it gets to my house.

              With carrots I take them out of the bag they come in rinse them off and then put them in tupperware in cold water in the fridge they last a lot longer that way.

              I take green beans out of the bags rinse them off and then make sure they’re good and dry before I put them away in the fridge.

              Onions and potatoes I’ve been hanging in mesh bag where the AC can hit them directly and keep them dry.

              #104110 Reply

                Green bags but try to get rid of as moisture as possible. I put grapes in canning jar and they last 3 weeks.

                #104111 Reply

                  Same. There are things I do that help. For celery, I wrapped the whole head tightly in aluminum foil before refrigerating it.

                  It really helps it last longer.

                  I do the same with heads of romaine lettuce.

                  For berries and fruit, I highly recommend Tupperware Fridgemates.

                  They’re pricey, but I’ve had fresh raspberries last to perfection for almost 3 weeks using Fridgemates.

                  #104112 Reply

                    Put celery and cucumbers on the top shelf of the fridge. If you store them in the bottom bins, they tend to freeze because the bottom of the fridge is the coldest.

                    Another person here said buy less fruits and veggies.

                    #104113 Reply

                      We have been only buying what we will eat in 2 days. It means more trips to the store, but much less waste.

                      #104114 Reply

                        I just buy frozen. They are convenient and if I am not in the mood to have them right away no problem.

                        #104115 Reply

                          Farmers markets, veggies and fruit are not stored as long. Plus our farmers market is once a week, June to late September. Oregon

                          #104116 Reply

                            I made my refrigerator 2° colder and all my produce is lasting longer.

                            #104117 Reply

                              I go to a grocery store where the produce is more expensive and better quality but it lasts longer than any other store in my area.

                              It’s a Safeway that I use.

                              They must get their produce shipped more quickly and out of the trucks more quickly as some things can last 3-4 weeks in the fridge.

                              I do keep everything in the fridge though because it’s super hot here and I have such bad luck if I leave things out on the counter or in the pantry.

                              Some stores do put a sealant on the produce that can’t be washed off, but my store does not use it.

                              One of those is called Apeel but I can’t think of the other one.

                              I choose to not buy produce that they’ve been used on for several reasons but if you want your produce to last longer you could look into finding a store in your area that uses them.

                              Apeel has a website that you can look up your area and see which stores use it

                              #104118 Reply

                                I’ve found produce from Aldi or Lidl spoils a lot faster than one of our better stores.

                                #104119 Reply

                                  Things are definitely going bad faster in my opinion. I’ve started just freezing most things if I’m not going to use it immediately.

                                  #104120 Reply

                                    No, my produce seems to last okay. I don’t buy too much this time of year.

                                    Maybe check the temperature of your fridge?

                                    #104121 Reply

                                      I have been having the same problem also Walmart has been the worse lately

                                      #104122 Reply

                                        Aldi’s here by me vegetables last a long time, and fruits.

                                        #104123 Reply

                                          In the summer… shipments come in off trucks and then they sit in the back of the warehouse with the doors open it’s very hot there’s no air conditioning.

                                          So, things spoil very quickly.

                                          It’s better in the winter because it’s not so hot back there.

                                          The store is generally let it sit there even for a day or so often.

                                          #104124 Reply

                                            I know! Me too. I noticed that but I thought am I imagining they got rotten quickly than before?

                                            #104125 Reply

                                              In my area, northern Michigan, everyone is complaining about produce in all the stores! Meijer is the best, but still has issues.

                                              #104126 Reply

                                                I’ve been soaking fruits and vegetables in vinegar when ever possible. It seems to extend the life a little bit longer.

                                                Can’t do it with onions though.

                                                #104127 Reply

                                                  You might need a new refrigerator. I had this problem before I gotta my new one

                                                  #104128 Reply

                                                    Some things do better in the fridge and some do better on the counter…

                                                    Some like to be washed before put away and others must be dry.

                                                    Do a Google search of storing whatever vegetables you’re buying and see what might be wrong with how you’re storing them…

                                                    Fuss’s been so freaking hot that all the vegetables are looking sad

                                                    #104129 Reply

                                                      I’ve bought many bags of potatoes and many are bad inside

                                                      #104130 Reply

                                                        i’ve been told that the food is sitting in storage for a longer time then in the past so it is rotting fast.

                                                        I e been buying local, cost more but in the bigger picture I not throwing away food

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