Would homemade canned chicken, noodles, bread, salsa, and candy make a nice Christmas gift basket?

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  • #105767 Reply

      So I make lots of stuff homemade. If I canned my chicken n noodles + homemade bread, salsa, pineapple cowboy candy.. would that be a nice Christmas present? Like in a basket

      Do you think a homemade gift basket with canned chicken, noodles, bread, salsa, and candy would make a thoughtful Christmas present?

      I’d love to hear your opinions on whether these items work well together for a holiday gift.

      Are there any additional items you would recommend to make the basket feel more festive or complete?

      Also, would you prefer receiving such homemade goodies compared to store-bought alternatives?

      Please share your thoughts!”

      #105768 Reply

        The soup and bread would make a nice basket. You could add a soup bowl.

        #105769 Reply

          Home canned goods are scary. You don’t know if the person processed them correctly. Maybe do freezer jams and bread instead

          #105770 Reply

            Yes, I certainly would appreciate it. Think about collecting baskets at second hand stores now if you can.

            Attach cute homemade tags to each item, esp heating instructions if necessary.

            In lieu of a basket, a heavy duty cardboard box wrapped in Christmas paper with tissue around items would also work well.

            #105771 Reply

              I wouldn’t because noodles don’t can well and baking breads in jar is not recommended so many people would toss if they knew

              #105772 Reply

                I’m a canner and noodles are not safe to can. You’ll need a pressure canner to can chicken.

                Homemade gifts are the best. You are on the right track but choose a safe tested recipe if you are canning is all I’m saying.

                I know of so many that can unsafe ways therefore I personally wouldn’t eat anyone else’s canning unless I trusted there canning practices .

                #105773 Reply

                  Have you seen the cost of a can of soup lately? It sounds lovely!!!

                  #105774 Reply

                    Yes it would be! That’s what I do for my family! I can’t buy them anything they already have.

                    They love mom’s goodies.

                    #105775 Reply

                      Yes! For years my friends and I exchanged gifts at Christmas. I couldn’t afford to buy gifts, so I made homemade baskets and goodies to put in them.

                      My friends looked forward to my gifts.

                      #105776 Reply

                        How about putting the ingredients for your soup in a mason jar, with the recipe?

                        That way you don’t have to worry about safe canning practices.

                        Otherwise, sounds great. Maybe go to a thrift store and get a nice bowl or mug?

                        #105777 Reply

                          Yes! My friend made me soup cup holders from fabric remnants. I absolutely love them use them all the time

                          #105778 Reply

                            It would be good, as long as you know that the recipients don’t have medical issues that would prevent them from enjoying it.

                            #105779 Reply

                              There is also a recipe for baking a spice cake in a jar, which is nice for a basket

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