Would insulating my garage door significantly cool my master bedroom and house?

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  • #96732 Reply

      Texas heat: I live in a 2 story house with master bedroom over the garage. Would insulating the garage door significantly help reduce the temp in master bedroom or even the house? (Well – at least help the AC run more efficiently).

      Best insulation kits?

      #96733 Reply

        Leave your garage door open when it cools down.

        #96734 Reply

          I have a client with a south facing garage. I learned fast not to touch it it the summer time. Ya gotta figure all that heat is getting tapped in the garage. I would sure give it a go.

          I have another client with a whole house fan that socks all the hot air out bringing the cooler outside air in but they only works if it cools off at night.

          #96735 Reply

            If I had the money, I would insulate and drywall the garage, garage ceiling and garage door. I do believe the garage ceiling would need a fire rated drywall for code, depending upon where you live.

            #96736 Reply

              I feel your pain. I live in an upstairs condo. In the summer we are hot while bottom condo is cool and reverse for winter, we are cold they are warm… I wonder if I should add more installation to my attic.

              #96737 Reply

                We are building a Shop house. The shop is attached to the house. The shop door are hooooooot! Our plan is to insulate them with the foil backs styrofoam insulation. When adding the house to the shop in July of last year.

                The house was not insulated at all. The shop has the thin rolled insulation that has the popping bubbles in it.

                The shop was 20 degrees cooled then the house with just that tiny bit of insulation.

                You can buy those rolls at Lowes and Home Depot.

                Cut into strips and use the metal tape and attach to inside of garage doors.

                Significant change in temp on the heat coming through the doors.

                #96738 Reply

                  I think a dehumidifier in the room might help more. Or a small air condition in a window?

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