Would you move in with parents to save money and reach FIRE faster?

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  • #100773 Reply

      Any adults (with kids) move in with family to save money and reach FIRE faster?

      38F, one child (9) moving back home from another state due to job with higher salary.

      Parents giving open invitation to stay at their house where there would be two open bedrooms.

      Good relationship with parents, both still working.

      Anyone done this? Things to think about? Would you do it if you could?

      #100774 Reply

        No. I raised my kids to be adults. If they’d want to do this, I didn’t do my job.

        Need breeds hard work which breeds success

        #100775 Reply

          Personally, I’d never do it, but that doesn’t mean it can’t work. Here are a few questions you may want to consider (the first ones that came to mind if I was in your situation):

          – What are the expectations on both sides?

          – How long do you (and they) envisage this arrangement lasting? What if it lasts longer?

          – Do your parents share the same parenting philosophy as you?

          – Will your kid be able to have friends over etc. and will your parents be okay with that?

          #100776 Reply

            I’m happy for you because you get to save money and that will benefit you and your child!

            In my culture and in many cultures this is common, They help each other out and it’s a win win for all involved.

            I didn’t have that option with my family but I did it have my adult daughter live with me because she was saving for a house.

            She was able to save up enough money for a down payment for her house.

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