Would you move to a 2-year lease to save $350-$400/month despite pet deposits?

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  • #107024 Reply

      Would you move to another rental with a 2 year lease locked in if you could save $350-$400 a month knowing you’ll have three pet deposits again.?

      Wanting to put that $400 into debt payoff plan.

      #107025 Reply

        Seems like a pretty good deal. Is there some downside you have failed to mention?

        #107026 Reply

          You don’t give all the math but if you could put most towards debt, then that sounds meaningful.

          #107027 Reply

            Negotiate with the current landlord. However most pets are known to cause damages, including odor (wall/floor) caused by peeing, scratched window screens, chewed cabinets, etc.

            Make sure the repair cost if any is part of your money saving consideration.

            #107028 Reply

              Absolutely unless the 3 pet deposits were more than the savings but seems unlikely they would be $8400-$9600.

              #107029 Reply

                What is your cancelation fee? Alot of times it 2-3x monthly rent. You may also lose your security deposit, or you may get it back and wash even.

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